How to Live Your Best Life Starting Today — GripEdze

anasuya bhatta
8 min readJun 6, 2021

As human beings, one of our deepest desires is a meaningful and happy existence. You’ve probably heard of the old saying “Live your best life”. This is good advice.

We all want to feel connected to ourselves and to others. We want to feel that we are part of something important and that we are making a difference in the world.

We want to look back on our lives and our accomplishments and feel proud. In short, we want what the saying goes: live your best life.

But what does it really mean to measure your best life?

You are a unique person, so living your best life is unique for you. Your best life can replicate your true values. It will be the color of what makes you happy and what it means to you to make a difference.

What Stops You From Living Your Best Life?

While living your best life is all about you, what other people think can affect your quest to live your best life.

For example, social networks put a lot of pressure on us. There are specific expectations of what a “happy” looks like and there is pressure on us to conform to what society expects.

For example, we are forced to look a certain way, dress “right”, have exciting adventures with attractive friends, eat healthy and ethical food, and do charity work. These are some of society’s expectations. It’s a long list. Social media pretends to connect us, but it can often do the opposite.

We can spend such a lot of time worrying about what people do, trying to live the life that society expects from us, that it is often easy to see what makes us happy and what our best life is like.

Living the best life doesn’t fall under the below categories

It doesn’t wait for things to happen to you

It doesn’t wait for your life partner to come into your life. It doesn’t wait for someone to give you a raise. It doesn’t wait for your body to magically get fitter or slimmer because we know it doesn’t happen.

Yet somehow people still eat potato chips sitting on the couch, thinking it would happen if they worked out two days a week. Or people are made to believe that the right person will only enter their life when they want to. We find ways to convince ourselves that things are going to happen for us without actually working.

There are so many ads that claim how easy everything is which is a lie. Everything is simple. It’s very easy to do most of the things in the world. But is it easy, no. It’s not always easy and most of the time it’s because you have to change your mindset. We have to see things differently, and learning to change our mindset is not something we are taught to do in school.

We are not taught to overcome limiting beliefs. It doesn’t matter how we do things like perceive our subconscious thinking. We are not taught anything that I think the world needs to know. Instead, we are taught to just wait for things and they will come to us if they meant to be.

It’s not what you see on social media

People love to show off on social media, and their best life isn’t what you see or post.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to show how beautiful your life is, I do sometimes too. But if that’s all you do and put your phone down and feel bad about yourself or just post about your supposedly best life, you’re not living it. Not really.

It’s not talking about others

Talking and interacting with others is a very weak vibration and it will drag you down. I’m not resistant to it, it’s a work in progress for me but becoming more aware of your gossip is the first step.

Unfortunately, gossip is too connected to be acceptable in society when it really isn’t. You can only talk about others when you uplift them or say something nice about another soul.

When you argue, ask yourself: Was it for me? what was I getting from this?

What living your best life really means

Living your best life is really about controlling yourself, controlling your power, and making it your own for who you really are. Even if you don’t want to be the right person yet, knowing that you are on the right track and working to be the best person possible is the best way to live your best life.

It’s also important to remember that the best way to live your life is to not do what others tell you, including me. If living your best life means living lavishly, then embrace it. Only you know what it means for you to live your best life.

It’s about learning to live your life for yourself, just for you. No matter what your parents, partner, or anyone else say, they are not you. They don’t understand your needs, don’t understand what your mind is calling you to do. They don’t have the right to live the best life for you because you are the only person who can.

It’s learning to get honest with yourself

It’s important to learn to be authentic and to be hard on yourself when you need to. But it’s also important to know when you need to be comfortable with yourself. If you’re hard on yourself and have high expectations of yourself, learning to tell yourself to take a break can be honest with you.

But if you’re the type of person who can easily take a day off or take a step back, learning to be hard on yourself will probably be the hardest part. Either way, being honest with yourself is living your best life as it will help you become aware of yourself and be able to do the things on your own that need to be done in order to grow taller.

Most importantly, living your best life is learning that working on yourself first is the best thing you can do for yourself and letting go of any need for outside sources or validation.

Life is special and we are all constantly looking for that real joy, that real joy, and that happiness because that is what we have been placed on this planet to experience. We are not here just to be in dire straits. We have to feel all the emotions and working to achieve these higher sensations, vibrations and frequencies is practically everyone’s job in life.

Simply put, working on yourself from the inside out, living for yourself, and feeling complete joy and happiness every day is your best life. Get out there and begin to live your best life, you deserve it.

Start the Journey Now

How is it to live your best life? Here are some practical tips and tools to help you move from your current life to your best life.

Be the Best Version of Yourself

To live your best life, you’ve got to be the best version of yourself. Don’t try to be someone else or try to be what other people want you to be. Focus on who you want to be and be proud of what makes you different.

To live your best life, you’ve got to be the best version of yourself.

Observe Yourself

To know what you look like best, you need to get to know yourself better. After all, it’s your best life — just nobody else.

Start to notice how you react to different situations. What are your habits? what makes you happy? What frustrates you? How do you behave under pressure? What gives you energy? What is it that tires you out? Spend a week noticing this. Write down your observations so you will remember them.

Set Intentions

After thinking about what makes you happy and what drains your energy, focus on what the best life seems like for you.

One of the keys to this is to be intentional about it. When you consciously set intentions, you are more likely to act with determination and motivation.

Setting intentions is different from setting goals. A goal is your list of things you want to achieve. You can set them to be daily, monthly, yearly, or a combination.

Setting goals and writing them down is a common practice. This makes them more tangible and makes you more responsible, which makes goals more likely to come true.

The difference between goals and intentions is that when you set intentions, you decide what kind of positive feelings and emotions you are looking for.

Take responsibilities

Taking action can seem scary. We are scared of failure, but we will even be scared of success. It can be easy to get too busy pursuing your intentions.

However, you have the choice to act and live your best life or stay the same. It’s up to you to decide, so take responsibility for taking action.

Be Prepared to Change the Plan

Maybe you are planning to live your best life. However, life is not linear and does not work the way you want. You should expect to be flexible and change your plans as life challenges you.

The final game remains the same: Live your best life. It is only one way to get there that will inevitably change.

Make Someone’s Day

Being kind to others makes them feel good and also it makes you feel good. Think of a time once you gave someone a present that they loved. How did you feel?

You don’t have to start giving people gifts to make someone happy. Think of small, thoughtful gestures, a sincere compliment, offering to help someone. All these things can make an enormous difference in someone’s day.


Live each day as it counts, and remember, it’s your choice. Your best life is unique to you. Don’t compare yourself to others — focus on your life, and enjoy the learning and exploration along the way.

You can also check my blog: Why Mental Health Is So Important

Originally published at on June 6, 2021.

